So today, although I don't have pics....Sorry!!....I started building aquarium decorations and they are turning out pretty cool!!! I have two so far. A small cave-like one with a couple holes and a larger one, almost 14" long with multiple holes, caves, overhangs and a tree trunk with roots for putting a plant in or using as another entrance for the fishes! I'm really liking building them so far, after a little trial and error. I will have photos tomorrow since I have everything in line now (and remembered to put my SD card in my camera...duh).
Aquarium Plants:
Tomorrow, after my senior art show critiques, I'm going to stop by our local fish Doctor and get the facts on aquatic plants and also on gravel/substrate for the plants. I already ordered plant food that is safe for aquarium use with fish, so I will have that at least. I would like to get some live plants in my tank while I'm waiting for my bulbs to sprout. I also need to have a live plant or two for our betta.
Breeding Betta's:
So, I introduced our female and male betta on bad information. I found out the multiple sources I had were wrong, it's not two days of conditioning, it's two WEEKS. So, a few torn fins later and they are separated and both doing great. I've been medicating their water to heal their fins and feeding them both high protein diets to 1. heal them and 2. condition them for spawning. The female is starting to show signs of spawning already again. This time I'm going to wait until the two weeks are up and she is full of eggs, then I will try again in a more patient and secure way. I've ordered a book on Betta's and also been consulting a lot of academic sources on betta breeding. Looks like in 3 weeks I could have up to 100 betta fish! I don't think I can handle that many fish and I might be using some of them as food for my other tank. It's all part of the cycle.
Senior Show Crits:
Tomorrow! Hopefully the critiquer will talk this time. The last one hardly said anything, I need someone who is useful.
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