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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Items for sale on Esty

Set of 3 Washcloths, 7x7 inches.

Blank Hand Bound Journal-Blue Tie-dye-Coptic Stitch-100 pages

Blank Hand Bound Journal-1oo Pages-Coptic Stitch

Blank Hand Bound Journal-100 pages-Green Tie-dye-Coptic Stitch

Hey Everyone,

So, some new listings up on Etsy, check it out!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Betta Breeding Day 1/New Male Betta-Neptune

Neptune, new male Betta.

Neptune and Shiva.

Another great pic of Neptune. He has beautiful color!

Hey Everyone,

New Male Betta: Neptune
So, the other male, Fireball, won't blow a bubble nest, no matter what I do. So I went out today and got a new male, Neptune. He's a steel blue with green iridescence. He is absolutely gorgeous. I'm really excited to see how he works with Shiva, my female.

Breeding Day 1:
So I introduced Neptune into his breeding tank today and he started blowing a bubble nest right away under a piece of styrofoam I put in there for that purpose.
I put Shiva's tank right next to him and he immediately turned a darker blue and she developed stripes on her body and turned colors within 10 minutes. They have really taken a liking to one another! So I have her in a hurricane glass in the breeding tank and I'm leaving them there for tonight so he will blow a much bigger bubble nest. I'll be introducing them tomorrow to get the eggs in the nest. I'll keep pictures! I'm really excited to see the results of a red female and a blue/green iridescent male! Should be interesting!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 7 of Betta Conditioning for Breeding

Betta (Fireball) and our 5 Neon Tetras with a small plecostomus.

Hey Everyone,

So here is Fireball. He is doing well. I got some advice from a professional and now I know how to do everything for the breeding process. So I'm feeding both Fireball (male) and Shiva (female) high protein betta bits and also bloodworms once a day for each. They are doing really well. Shiva is already showing signs of wanting to breed, but last time I had them near one another and Fireball wouldn't start a bubble nest. I'm going to put him in a tank with zero surface tension in the water and also with an almond leaf (promotes breeding in their natural habitat) and maybe I can get him to blow a nest. If he does not I'm going to be purchasing another male and breeding him with Shiva.
So, I have a 10 gallon that is going to get an almond leaf, half filled with water, a heater (80F), a small oasis to one side and the male betta to begin with. I'll let him get used to it then introduce Shiva into the tank with a Hurricane glass and we'll see what happens. I know she wants to breed, but he HAS to blow the nest or none of the fry will hatch or survive. I'll keep updating, but it's going to be a little bit of a slow process. The heater and leaves should be here this week along with a book on bettas.

Other Tank:
So, the community tank is doing well! After I'm done with the heater for the betta breeding, it's going into their tank. Looks like my red swordtail female either had her babies in the middle of the night and they were all eaten or she aborted them due to stress (I don't know what have caused that). Their gestation period is about a month and I have a male so I can expect baby swordtails around the 1st of next month, I'll post pics if I get any!

3 Gallon:
We introduced 5 neon tetras into our male bettas 3 gallon to help with the cycling of the tank and such. I added a picture of them (they swim fast, sorry it's blurry!) They also act like pirahanas when I feed them which is slightly unnerving. They are very pretty though. Once I get some plants growing well, I'll add one to the betta tank to keep the water cycling well.

Plant bulbs:
They are sprouting! Finally! After two weeks almost they are starting to sprout! Yay!

In other news...not much going on. The senior show is going great, made a bit of money off it and I'm really happy to have tomorrow off of classes. Sleeping in!
